HR Development Training to Upgrade HR Competencies and Skill
The effective HR Management needs special HR Training for employees in Human Resources. The HR Employees do not have to just the experts in employee relations, but they have to be skilled in the communication, project management, areas of expertise and many other.
The special and customized HR Training has to be developed for the HR Department as its professionalism and quality of services grow constantly. The HR Training is not just a training in HR Skills and HR Competencies, but it the managerial training as well.
HR Training Summary
Human Resources is a complex business function, which develops the human capital for the organization as it can face the market challenges successfully. The HR staff has to be trained in special HR skills and competencies as Human Resources receives the best HR Know How, develops its employees and increases the satisfaction of the internal clients. The dedicated HR training is a priority for the HR Management.
The dedicated HR Training is not just about the theoretical training sessions, but it includes the HR Practice and rotations to the internal customers. The real HR Professionals know the business of the internal clients and they are able to customize the general HR solution to the needs of the internal clients without asking the general questions.
The dedicated HR Training should be designed as the complete HR Training Program, which should cover all HR Processes, new approaches in Human Resources, trends in the business and society and developing the HR Skills and Competencies.
What is HR Development Training about?
The HR Training is focused on increasing the efficiency and professionalism of the HR Team and this is the main goal of the HR Training Program. The HR Training Program is based on the daily HR Practice, identifying the gaps in procedures and processes and leads the participants to do better HR Management every day. The effective HR Management is about small and constant improvements every day as the HR Function grows with its clients.
The HR Training has to be focused on these main areas:
- Business Strategy, HR Strategy and the impact on Human Resources
- Internal and External Clients of HR
- Main HR Roles in the Organization
- HR Process Management and Process Measuring
- HR Project Management
- New trends in Human Resources and HR Best Practice
- HR Team building
The HR Training is not focused on the expertise in the specific HR area as this should be received through different training courses, but this program is focused on building the common HR language in the department and sharing the same vision, goals and the same approaches to work.
How should be HR Training structured?
It is a difficult task to structure the HR Training right. It is not a one time activity, but it is a program, which should grow as the members of the team acquire new skills and competencies. The HR Training Program is not an intensive activity for a month and it is not repeated then. The training program has to be divided into several years and it has to be enriched by the new content, new perspectives and the successes of HR team.
The HR Training should involve almost all members of Human Resources as they feel as the real members of the HR Team and they have the possibilities to build the informal relationships with others.
The structure of the HR Training has to be flexible and the trainers have to ask for the immediate feedback after each course as the program can be improved and the participants feel the enrichment of their work.
The HR Training cannot be just theoretical. After each course, the HR Management should identify the issues, which can be solved using the new skills and the HR staff should focus on solving the issue the new way. It is extremely important, that the reality and the theory are connected and the values demonstrated during the HR Training Program are visible in the approach of Human Resources and in the approach of the HR Management Team every day.
Goals of HR Development Training
The HR Training is a strategic Human Resources initiative and the HR Training Goals have to be clearly and visibly defined as HR Team sets the right expectations. The HR Training cannot be announced without the proper HR Training content communication as the employees will not trust to the initiative. The goals for the HR Training have to be defined before the HR Training is designed and developed. It sounds easy, but many organizations do just small customizations to the HR Training design provided by the external training vendor.
HR Training Goals with high impact on modern HR Organization
As the HR Training is the main training course for Human Resources, it has to be clearly planned and it has to accomplish the goals given to the program. The HR Management Team has to think about the main goals and main HR Training deliverables as the training is the only initiative, which can bring them pretty quickly and in the same form to the whole HR Team.
The main goals of HR Training are:
- Build high performance and modern Human Resources organization based on HR Strategy
- Build common HR Team Spirit
- Build understanding of HR Roles and Responsibilities in the modern organization
High Performance Human Resources Organization
Building the modern Human Resources organization is a difficult task for the HR Management Team and the HR staff have to get a chance to understand the reasons to introduce a new HR Department Organizational Structure. The employees always tend to think about the organizational changes, it is just a game of the management and they have to understand the main reason to introduce a new HR Organizational Structure is about streamlining the HR Processes in different HR areas. Just the optimal HR Organizational Structure will allow to streamline HR Processes and the employees have to understand, they have to support the idea and they have to implement it into the daily job of the modern HR Organization.
Common HR Team Spirit
Human Resources has to build and further develop its HR Team Spirit. The HR Training has to identify the common topics for all employees and start building the same approach of all employees to the biggest HR challenges resulting from the HR Strategy. The HR Team has to find the same words and the employees have to build the same understanding to the topics as the performance and efficiency of Human Resources can be increased quickly. It is one of the most difficult topics for the HR Training.
Understanding new HR Roles and Responsibilities
The new HR Strategy will definitely change the HR Roles and Responsibilities and the employees will have to understand their new role in the organization. The modern Human Resources shares the responsibility for the overall development of the organization and it has to be the part of the HR Training. It is one of the most important goals of the training program as the employees have to step out of the previous habits and they have to build new ones as the organization can benefit from the HR Strategy. The change of Human Resources to the modern HR Department needs to be supported by the new HR Roles and Responsibilities and the employees have the space to define new HR Roles and Responsibilities and to practice the new roles on the real life examples.
Additional HR Development Training Benefits for the effective HR Management
The HR Training provides also other benefits, which should not be defined as the main HR Training goals, but they improve the productivity of the employees of Human Resources.
The HR Training allows the employees to exchange their own best practices and to learn from each other. The HR Management Team cannot underestimate the employees in the team as they are really experienced, they know the organization and they enrich the HR Practice just by sharing the habits that work.
In bigger organizations, the employees can build the informal communication channels and the information can flow freely among the employees. The smart HR Management has to use the informal communication channels to manage employees and to manage the HR Processes. It cannot be stated as the HR Training Goal, but the informal communication channels are extremely important for the modern HR Organization.
The HR Training Program has to include the guests from other units in the organization and the HR staff should learn from their daily practice and they should build the informal relationships across the whole organization.
HR Development Plan (Training) needs a clear link to HR Strategy
The HR Training Program has to be clearly linked with other important HR components as HR Strategy, HR Planning and HR Development. The HR Training Program cannot exist like a single activity with no direct link to the real job of Human Resources in the organization. The HR Training helps to connect the real job of HR staff with the HR Strategy as the output of HR is visible and clearly recognized by the organization.
The idea behind the HR Training program is about the development of HR employees as they become the real professionals and the organization increases its competitive advantage on the job market. The real professionals in Human Resources are able to identify the gaps in the organizational design, management practices and employee relations and they run initiatives against the gaps.
HR Training link to HR Strategy
The HR Strategy defines the background for all HR activities with the value added. The HR Training Program has to be definitely connected closely with the HR Strategy as the HR team cannot be trained in different skills and competencies, which are requested by the HR Strategy.
The design of the HR Training Program is difficult and unique for each organization as it has to be tightly connected with the HR Strategy and it has to use the language of the company as the employees understand the main messages the same way.
The HR Strategy is about the approved vision of Human Resources and the HR Management Team is fully committed to the successful implementation of the vision as the top management believes Human Resources will follow its vision without excuses.
The HR Training Program has to use the inputs from the HR Strategy development process as these remarks and documents are extremely useful. During the HR Strategy development, the team responsible for the preparation of the HR Strategy identified many gaps and areas for the improvement. If the team responsible for the HR Training Program does not want to lose the credit among HR employees, it has to use the documents and findings identified earlier and it has to mention the source of the additional information. Otherwise, the HR staff will see, it is nothing new and they will not trust the HR Training Program.
HR Training link to HR Development
The HR Training is a definite part of the HR Development. The HR Training Program is the main training and development activity of the HR team, which is enriched by other listed training courses in specialized areas of Human Resources, like the job interviewing skills, compensation and benefits specialized training and career development programs.
The HR Development has the goal of improving the performance and professionalism and preparation of the HR staff to the challenges coming in the future. The HR Development is expensive and the investment has to be prepared in a big detail describing all benefits for Human Resources and the organization.
The HR Training Program and the HR Development are closely connected as they use the same sources of the information. The basic information for both initiatives are the results of the gap analysis, which identifies the areas with the biggest potential for the improvement and with the highest impact on the customer satisfaction.
The management of Human Resources has to be aware to connect the developmental activities in HR with the general HR training program as HR team benefits from both activities.
The HR Development is focused more on the personal development of the individual members of HR, but the HR Training Program is focused on building the professional HR team, which acts perfectly and all roles in the team co-operate.
The HR Development uses the job profiles and responsibilities of the individual members, the HR Training Program is based on the SWOT analysis of the HR team and bridges the biggest gaps and develops the strengths of the whole team to improve the competitive advantage on the job market and helping the organization to increase the performance and to improve the efficiency.
The HR Training Program should not be about the soft-skills mainly, but it should give the basic background for the additional individual soft-skills training courses.
Degrees in Human Resources Management
Human Resources is not a rocket science, but it is applied business science. The HR Professionals should be skilled in the area of the psychology, sociology, finance and general management. They should absorb wide range of different business skills as they provide the high value added to the organization. Today, many universities offer HR Management Degrees and many approaches to people interested in studying the HR Management.
Many excellent HR Professionals did not study anything related with Human Resources. However, the field of HR Management is broad today and the development of the HR Management theory is terrific. Learning by doing is not sufficient today. The best practices and theories should be discussed deeply and at least bachelor degree in Human Resources is a huge help.
HR is the business science and it requires skills and competencies from many different areas. HR is not just about people and the psychology. It is about the communication, finance management, labor law and marketing. The HR Professionals has to understand many different business practices to be a really successful HR guru.
The HR Management degree does not get a good job to the graduate. However, it increases the chance of getting excellent job in Human Resources dramatically. The graduate with many theoretical knowledge about the HR has a better start in the daily practice and can be assigned to a more difficult HR projects.
Most large organizations offer special programs for the talented young graduates. Many of them offer the HR leadership program, which put the career of the participants on the fast track. Having the HR degree increases the chance of being hired for the HR leadership program.
The graduate with the HR Management Degree has a knowledge of HR best practices and the main HR policies and procedures. The graduate can easily start the career in a small to mid-size organization introducing the modern HR practices.
The degree in Human Resources Management increases the value of the graduate on the job market. The starting base salary is higher and the salary growths are steeper. The career oriented people interested in HR should definitely add some people management related studies.