What is Background Check
The background check is the essential part of the recruitment process in many organizations. The background check is the confirmation of information provided by the job candidate during the selection procedure. The organization checks the validity of data in the job resume, references, education and results achieved in the previous employment.
The background check is a part of the mutual trust building process. The organization needs to be sure that the information provided by the job candidate is accurate, and no relevant information is missing. The background check is the verification of data written in the job resume. The background check can confirm the results of the job interview.
Why is the Background Check important?
The application for a new job is easy today. The world is full of different companies, and the job applicants have the advantage, they can decide what information will be provided to the new employer. The background check is about checking the reality with the first impression.
The confirmation of information in the job resume is essential today. The companies work with sensitive data and the danger of the fraudulent behavior increases. The know how of the organization is just few clicks away for most employees. The background check provides the basic level of certainty for the management and Human Resources.
The background check is an excellent HR tool to make a decision about the job offer to the final candidate. The background check can have several levels, and it is a decision of the organization, what detail it needs for the certainty and the final decision.
Which new hires should go through the background check process?
The organization should not apply the background check screening to all job positions. The team of specialists from different units should assess the risks in units. The team should determine the high internal risk job positions to be included in the background screening process.
The team has to divide the risky job positions into several groups. Just the high internal risk job positions should be included in the complex background checking process. The background checks are expensive, and they carry some risk for the organization. The reputation risk is quite high.
The new hires for the identified high-risk job positions should be always a subject to the background check. The refusal of the background check is a reason for not signing the employment contract.
The organization should not forget about the background check for the internal hires. If the employee is hired internally from the non-risk job position to the high-risk job position, the standard background check procedure should apply.