Goals and Objectives for HR Managers
The HR Manager is the critical HR role in the organization. The HR Manager is a single point of contact for internal clients, sells HR solutions, implements challenging projects, and pursues HR Processes and Procedures. The employee in the role of the HR Manager has broad responsibilities and a diverse agenda.
There are just long-term priorities and short-term urgent issues. However, the employee has to follow the strategic goals and objectives of Human Resources; the HR Strategy, business strategy and the vision of the organization need to be fully reflected in yearly targets.
The job description of the HR Manager usually indicates all goals and objectives for the following year. Goals and the real content of the job need to be aligned. The goals need to support the daily job of the HR Manager. The HR Front Office employee does not design processes and procedures. The role is the user of processes designed and developed by the HR Center of Excellence.
The Goals and Objectives of the HR Manager can be divided into two key result areas:
- Performance Management and Compliance;
- Securing the Future of the Organization.
Performance Management and Compliance
The modern Human Resources Management has a simple general key objective – high-performance organization. It indicates that Human Resources has to build the environment where the high performance is valued, rewarded and publicly recognized. This is also a primary role of the HR Manager. However, the employee has to run many activities and processes to make sure the high performing employees are visible through the organization.
The HR Manager has to follow goals and objectives in these functional areas:
- Fair Goal Setting Process and Calibrated Performance Management Process;
- HR Projects Implementation and communication with the main stakeholders;
- Training and Development in teams including the Training Needs Analysis;
- Key Contact Point for HR Centers of Excellence;
- Compliance of HR processes and procedures.
The goal setting process and calibrated performance management processes are critical for the engagement of high performing employees. No one will trust to the goal setting system if he or she see how aims and objectives are unbalanced in the organization. The HR Manager has to facilitate managers to set goals correctly and in line with the business and department strategy.
The strategic HR Projects need much attention in the organization. The HR Manager acts as a communication bridge between the project team and internal clients. It is a crucial and essential role of the HR Manager to make the implementation of the project a widely recognized success.
The training and development of employees are other responsibilities of the HR Manager, and they need to be included in the yearly goals and objectives. The fundamental and planned development of hard and soft skills has a positive impact on the productivity and performance. The training needs analysis should always be a goal for the HR Manager.
The compliance of all HR Processes and Procedures is a must, but the HR Manager should have it in G&Os. All managers should know that misbehavior is not welcome, and the organization will act on it.
Future of the Organization
The modern Human Resources Management is also about the future of the company. It is focused on the design of new processes and practices. It has to be also focused on the development of the human capital.
The goals and objectives of the HR Manager focused on the future development are:
- Talent Management and strategic Talent Acquisition;
- Business Strategy Implementation;
- Organization Design;
- Succession Planning;
- Diversity Management;
- Innovations Management.
The most strategic and long term goal for the HR Manager is about the right set up of the team. The organization design and the strategic talent acquisition are the crucial competencies to be developed in the business.
They are closely interconnected with the succession planning that identifies and develops potential future leaders. The process does not focus on the whole population, but just few employees are chosen who get a chance to have a fast-track career. It needs to be visible in goals of the HR Manager.