The Employee Champion role in Human Resources

In today’s business environment, the Human Resources Department has a critical role to play. One of the most important roles is that of the employee champion. The employee champion is responsible for protecting employees in front of top management. However, most Human Resources Departments forget to protect employees and instead play the role of management advocate. They need to have the courage to stand up and demonstrate they can balance the interests of different stakeholders.

The HR Model by Dave Ulrich is a way to think about human resources in your business. It has four main areas: staffing, performance, development, and organization. Each of these areas has different goals that you should keep in mind when you’re hiring people or trying to improve how your company works.

One of the goals of the HR model is to advocate for employees. Employee Advocate is a role that helps with this by advocating for employees and their needs. They work to ensure that employees are treated fairly and have what they need to be successful.

However, Human Resources has many stakeholders, not just employees. Managers, supervisors, executives, and other departments all have a vested interest in how HR operates. When making decisions about HR, it’s important to keep all of these groups in mind and find a balance that works for everyone.

Employee Champion as HR Role
Employee Champion as HR Role

Also, HR has to be careful when advocating for employees because it can sometimes create an uneven playing field. For example, if an employee wants more vacation time than their manager thinks is reasonable, HR may need to step in and advocate for the employee. This can cause tension between the employee and their manager and lead to a harmful policy or practice.

The Importance of the Employee Champion Role

In order to be an effective employee champion, Human Resources must first understand what the role entails. The employee champion is responsible for protecting employees from harmful or unfair policies and practices. They also work to ensure that employees are treated fairly and given the opportunity to grow and develop within the company. Furthermore, employee champions serve as a liaison between employees and management.

Became Employee Advocate by gaining the trust of employees and creating an environment where they felt comfortable sharing their concerns. Each complaint and proposal must be carefully reviewed and evaluated to see how it will impact the other stakeholders. While it is important to advocate for employees, we also need to make sure that our decisions are fair for everyone else involved. HR has to find a balance that works for all of its stakeholders.

Protecting Employees from Unfair Policies and Practices

One of the most important tasks of an employee champion is to protect employees from unfair or harmful policies and practices. Unfortunately, many Human Resources Departments forget about this important role and instead focus on serving the interests of management. This can lead to employees being treated unfairly or being passed over for promotions and raises. It is important for Human Resources Departments to remember that they have a responsibility to protect employees as well as management.

While it is important for Human Resources to focus on the interests of management, they should not completely ignore the interests of employees. By focusing only on the interests of management, HR may make decisions that are unfair to employees. This can lead to dissatisfaction and a lack of trust in Human Resources function.

In order to create a positive relationship with employees, HR should focus on meeting their needs as well. This means making decisions that are fair and meet the expectations of employees. By doing this, HR can ensure that its decisions are beneficial to both management and employees.

Working as a Liaison Between Employees and Management

Another important role of the employee champion is to serve as a liaison between employees and management. This involves communicating concerns and issues between both parties. It is important for employee champions to be able to see both sides of every issue in order to effectively mediate between employees and management. This can be a difficult task, but it is one that is essential for maintaining a healthy workplace environment.


The role of the employee champion is critical for any Human Resources Department. However, many departments forget about this important role and instead focus on serving the interests of management. This can lead to employees being treated unfairly or being passed over for promotions and raises.

It is important for Human Resources Departments to remember that they have a responsibility to protect employees as well as management. Employee champions play a vital role in mediating between employees and management and ensuring that all voices are heard. This can be a difficult task, but it is one that is essential for maintaining a healthy workplace environment.